updated 28 April 2012
Bill Weinman
SQLite 3 with PHP Essential Training
SQLite 3 with PHP Essential Training
is designed to give you a good understanding of SQLite so you can use it with
PHP to build powerful and compelling applications for yourself and for your
SQLite 3 with PHP Essential Training covers the basic features of SQLite,
its unique data model, its functions, its use of SQL, and walks you through
some real PHP applications that use SQLite, so you can apply your knowledge to
building your own projects with SQLite and PHP.
Topics include:
- SQLite quick start
- Opening and creating a database
- SQLite 3 data types
- Expressions, core and aggregate functions
- Date and time functions
- Transactions
- Subselects and views
- Trigers
- PHP interfaces
Open-source software like XAMPP tends to get updated now and then, so if you want
to follow along with the installation movie you should use the same version that
I used in the movie. You may download that version here.
Other help
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the help request form on lynda.com
is designed to help you by collecting the necessary information as you submit your request.
I am not able to support lynda.com courses directly.
If your request requires my assistance, the lynda.com support staff will contact me.